Tips to improve yourself during the lockdown

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Lockdown has given us a rare opportunity to spend more time alone and improve ourselves now that you probably have a little bit more free time. What better idea than to use your old commuting time and these tips to improve yourself?

It doesn’t need to be a lot or for a long time, if you dedicate 20-30 minutes or even an hour to yourself it won’t be wasted time- trust me. 

Try to carry these new activities and self-improvement with you as lockdown comes to an end and the new normality takes place. Your life will be better, happier and you will feel more fulfilled. 

But enough talking… These are a few tips you should implement or learn from this time at home to improve yourself.

⇣ Save this to your lifestyle Pinterest board for later ⇣

Ways to improve yourself cover photo

Learn how to treat yourself

This might look different for everyone, but in a nutshell, it means to “do things that make you happy”. Whether that is having a spa at home, watching movies, reading, or even cooking a great meal. Just like you would gift someone a good time, gift yourself a good time

Be ready to learn new skills, hobbies, and/or languages

Lockdown showed the importance of improving ourselves in every aspect and to be ready to evolve. Plus learning new things is always great to keep you on your toes. 

Write a journal

A great way to “braindump” all your feelings, ideas, and thoughts so you can concentrate on other things. Journaling is also a way to learn about yourself and get in touch with your feelings, a great tip to improve yourself.

Find strength in difficult times

Pretty self-explanatory… but finding positive things and understanding “things can only go up from here” will motivate you. 

Help yourself too

Don’t forget to check up on your needs too. Just like you would do with others make sure you are happy and have everything you need for that. 

Make to-do lists

This will help you be more organized, divide your tasks, and keep track of your progress to motivate you.  

Download to-do list and calendar template

These free templates for your schedule and to-do list will help you stay on top of your day and be more productive!

If you also want to learn how to be productive, our post might help you. 

Create goals and targets to motivate you

During the lockdown, days start to look and feel the same, but if you have a goal or target in mind it might be easier to separate things and feel motivated. Your to-do list will help you see the progress and organize your days into different activities. 

Stop procrastinating

We insist on this one a lot, but it’s just true. When will you have more time than right now? You will be surprised how many things you can accomplish if you actually start doing them. 

Talk to someone that has different opinions/beliefs

This can have a lot of outcomes so do it with an open mind. You might learn or teach something, have a great conversation, see things from a different perspective, and in the worst case, you will be distracted for some time. 

Read more

Not much to say. Reading opens the mind, teaches you many things, and it’s a great way to see the world without leaving your house. You might also find more tips to improve yourself.

Avoid negative people and train yourself to think positively

This might be harder than you think. Being positive when you are surrounded by negative people is not easy, BUT it takes the same or less effort to be happy and you will have a better life. Plus it’s a good idea to surround yourself with people that make you a better person so you can improve yourself. 

Quit bad habits and start good ones

Make this realistic and based on your lifestyle so you will stay motivated. It is said that it takes 21 days to create a new habit, so what better time to start than now? 

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Take a break

While being at home it’s easy to overwork, so remember to take breaks too. You can learn how to meditate, listen to music, watch T.V, or simply do some people watching with a cup of tea. 

Become a morning person

Life happens during the day, so don’t spend your nights awake and your days asleep. This will also help you be more productive so you can be able to accomplish more things.

Other things that might interest you:

⇢ If you want to improve your days this epic morning routine might help you be more productive.

⇢ If you want to learn how to be productive while working from home, check out our post. 

Create routines

This will give structure to your days so they don’t look the same while you are at home. It’s also a great way to increase productivity so you can have more free time. 

Drink water in the morning

A good habit to have and a better way to start the day. 

Wear feel-good outfits more often

Just because you are at home or at work doesn’t mean you can’t look and feel good. It will also help you start the day and feel motivated. 

Spend some time off of technology

Chances are you are working on a computer or phone, so as part of giving yourself a break put technology away. It’s amazing how your body truly rests when you take a break from the artificial light and the constant stimuli. 

Find new music

A good way to pass time, broaden your horizon and have fun. You can ask friends for ideas and hopefully start a conversation about music or even tips on how to improve yourself.

Message your friends and family

You cannot improve if you don’t have your loved ones close. We are community beings, so feeling part of a group and belonging automatically makes us feel better, thus be better. 

Eat feel-good food

Why eat things you don’t like when you can enjoy every meal? Now that you are spending more time at home, it is up to you to make this happen. It is part of treating yourself (tip #1).

Move your body

Being active is important to increase endorphins and “good chemicals” in your body. Have a dance party in your living room or do some Zumba (we love doing this).  

Be grateful

Practice this every day. It helps you get in touch with your feelings so you can be more present and also to be aware of how lucky you are in order to appreciate things more and welcome all that is coming your way. 


These are some ways to boost your “happy chemicals” so your life is better and you can improve yourself during the lockdown.

happy chemicals chart
This chart has ways to activate your «happy chemicals»

Hope these tips help you improve yourself. Comment and share with us if you have other tips or things to improve yourself.

Signature MR

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