Back to school: set yourself up for success

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Going back to school after summer is always hard. You are not used to the routine anymore, you will have new classes and in some cases, you might even be going to a new school or even moving to college. 

All these changes are more than enough to worry about, so here we are to help you set up for success for this new school year! 

The best thing is to get ready ahead of time so when classes start you can just dive into them and focus on your work. This list of things will help you do just that.

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Back to school cover image

Be prepared

Make sure you have everything you need. This means having with you all the supplies you need (notebooks/paper, pens, highlighters, pencils, eraser, etc.), your notes, books, and materials. 

I find that having pretty stationery motivates me, so I like having everything with the color or print. 

Pretty stationary makes me happy 😊 (con imágenes) | Titulos bonitos para  apuntes, Útiles escolares lindos, Cosas de la escuela
Pretty stationery

You can also get these amazing reusable bags! We love ours and use them everyday to put all our things away. Cephalopods Ink-Orporated has the best ones!

One of the many bags they have!

Get into a routine

Getting into a routine earlier in the semester is a great idea so you can organize your time, especially to know when you have free time and time to do work.

I am all about time blocking and routines to organize my days and my free time to be more productive. If you want to learn how to be more productive, you can read our guide and download our templates to help you out!

Plan your week and workload

This one is related to the previous point. If you organize your semester, month, or week ahead, you can distribute your workload and about feeling overwhelmed, procrastinating, or pulling all-nighters. 

The best tip to set up for success for this back to school is to use planners and actually stick to them! Use the syllabus to write down all the datelines, tests, quizzes, and projects you have for each class. Professors give them out knowing how long it will take for each task, so trust them on the timings. 

We made a free planner for you, so you can write everything down! All you need to do is fill it up and see how your semester will look like.

Get your free planner for 2020 – 2021!

Set specific times for things

It’s easy to get into the cycle of sleeping late because you are working or leaving things for the last minute. Especially during these virtual times when you don’t even have to leave for classes or go to the library to work. 

I like setting alarms for everything. It might sound a bit strict or intense, but it works because you set the alarm and “forget about it” until it rings to remind you about the thing you need to do. 

You can also try being very specific. Instead of saying “I will do it this afternoon” say “I will work on my essay from 3 to 5”. By making it specific you know exactly what you need to do and when so you don’t get distracted. 

Speaking of distractions…

Put away distractions

If you get easily distracted by your phone, youtube, the news, or social media, then try one of these apps! Self-control is hard, but these will make it a bit easier so you can work and get things done. 


This app only works for Mac. It will block websites or apps during a period of time.


This app will block social media for a period of time.


A Chrome extension that blocks internet and social media for a period of time.

You can also put your phone away and turn off the wifi (if you don’t need it for work).

Don’t procrastinate

Everyone says this, but it’s for a reason – its true! The more you procrastinate, the more stressed you will be and the least you will enjoy the present.

Try to do things or at least start them as soon as you get them. If after doing it for 20 minutes you don’t get into the workflow at least you still have more time to complete the task.

Bonus: for virtual classes and presentations

· If you know you have to turn on your webcam, then set up a pretty backdrop, you don’t want to show everyone your messy room or your dad wearing his PJs (we all have seen those videos haha!). 

If you have a place to sit during virtual classes, you will also get into a work mindset. Make sure there is good light in front of you so people can see your face. 

Some examples of backdrops that I like. It doesn’t need to be elaborate either, it can be a plane wall if you want.

· Finally, make sure your computer is charged so you don’t have to run mid-class and miss something important. Also check your microphone, headphones/speakers, and internet connection to make sure they work. 

Don’t forget to mute your microphone during class to avoid awkward situations! 

Hope these help you to set up for success for this school year. Good luck!

Signature MR

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